Assignment 6

Visual Servoing with block diagram, source code and video.

Below is a link to the PDF of the block diagram.

homework 6_block_diagram

The code to track the color and draw the rectangles is below:

Below is a video showing the current progress of the video tracking.  A red rectangle is drawn around the color on the full color video.  The mask shows only the color being tracked, in white,  while the screen position, y-axis, is outputted to the terminal in the larger window below the video and the mask.  Next step is to attach it to a servo and have the RPi communicate with a micro-controller to manipulate the servo in to tracking the color in any direction in the y-axis. (update to be posted soon).

This video shows the final product of the Webcam Tracker.

the new code for the Raspberry Pi and OpenCM can be found through the link below

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